Become More Efficient in Writing and Reading Your Emails

7510f88eb83e10521d455300bdb026b8It is no surprise that many emails go unanswered in job places. Some theories justify this situation as if it were a result of excessive online information and people’s lack of time. The truth is that reading all our emails is mostly a matter of efficiency and time management. However, there is another side of the coin. Email senders truly have to adapt to this new age of overwhelming amounts of information. Here is some advice for email senders:

  • Use your subject line to inform others about the context of your email
  • Get straight to the point.
  • Ask specific questions, and give action plans…Make your emails matter!
  • Provide recommendations to make it easier for your reader to decide on a given matter.

As an email reader, there are some tips that can help you to keep your inbox clean:

  1. If possible, try to deal with emails immediately. Usually, emails do not require long answers.
  1. Unsubscribe from all notifications you possibly can from Facebook, Twitter and other social media –Unless they are an important part of your job.
  1. Make it a goal not to have more than 5 unanswered emails in your inbox at the end of the day.
  1. Delete emails that do not require an answer. For instance, “Thank you for your message.” You should erase these messages from your inbox.
  1. If you have lots of emails with attached files, download those files to your computer or save them to a USB drive.

Online Resources

  1. Delete past conversations.

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